Researching the family histories of barge workers on the rivers of southern England



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Sailing Barge Pudge

sb Pudge at Maldon, Essex in 2004.

sb Ardwina at St. Katherine, London 2006.

sb May at Maldon, Essex in 2006. sb Devils Reach on the River Roach.

sb Adieu in the Thames Barge Race 2005.

sb Thistle following the Thames Barge Race 2005.

The Grapes aka The Bunch of Grapes, a Thames riverside scene from 2005.





The Six Jolly Fellowship Porters Public House aka The Bunch of Grapes, a Thames riverside scene from 1884.

sb Hydrogen undergoing repair at Maldon, Essex in 2004. The Wey barge Reliance at Dapdune Wharf, Guildford in 2004.

sb Thursday 

Official Number 94557. 
Built in 1888 at Aylesford.  Registered at Rochester at 44 tons and in 1916 owned by APCM.

The Kingston Coat and Badge was a race for Watermen's Apprentices.  This one  was won by Frederick Alfred Hammerton (1908 - 1944) on 14th July 1926. View it at the Twickenham Museum

On the Yare. Jarrold's Crome Photo Series, undated.  Is this really a steam wherry?









On the Yare at Whitlingham, near Norwich, from a D.C. Thompson card posted in 1909.








sb Claude on the River Thames.  Notice the row / bum boat with the name E.BALLARD.  The Ballards were watermen and lightermen between the 1700's and the early 1900's.





Frederick Dawson Waterman, photographed on the Thames in his skiff.  Notice his name painted on the inside on the boat.








sb Federation and sb Arrow at Stoke Bridge, Ipswich.

Federation, official number 111381, was built at  Brightlingsea in 1900.  Registered in Colchester at 54 tons.  Arrow, official number 108516), was built  at Rochester in 1897 and registered in Rochester at 54 tons.

sb Jim Wigley

Official Number 81865.  Built at Rochester in 1879.  Registered in Rochester at 50 tons and owned by Cory.







Wherries in Yarmouth Harbour 1892.







sb Lord Roberts

Official Number 105909. Built at  Maldon in 1900.  Registered in Maldon at 63 tons and owned in 1916 by  A.J.Meeson.



Doggett's Coat and Badge Race winners

(left to right are Harold Green (Poplar,1924), Eric Lupton (Northfleet,1940), George Gobbett (Greenwich,1913), Kenneth Collins (Downham, 1957).

Unknown Waterman wearing a race winner's coat and badge.






Unknown Waterman wearing a race winner's coat and badge.






Sparks and Co

Barge Builders







Tower Bridge in 1904








Tower Bridge in 2001








sb Glenway

On the blocks at Maldon, Essex in 2002.

Official Number 127260.  Built at  Rochester in 1913.  Registered in Rochester at 82 tons and owned by Little in 1916.


Wherry built by George Davey at Bungay in 1892 for Walleney and sold to Watney, Coombe and Reid in 1920.  Passed to GSNC in 1926.  Renamed 'Elder' and still afloat in the 1950's.

This Shipwright’s chest is typical of those in use from 1850 onwards.

The chest was 36 ins x 15½ ins x 16 ins and contained around 75 tools.



Hay and Sons

Barge Builders


Number 135 Rotherhithe Street has been occupied by Charles Hay since 1789.



Tom Metcalfe

Winner of the 296th Doggett's Coat and Badge Race 2009.







296th Doggett's Coat and Badge Race 2009

1st Tom Metcalfe (Blue Jersey)

2nd G. Pettifore (Orange Jersey)

3rd Jack Devrill (White Jersey)

4th Thomas Gadd (Yellow Jersey)

Doggett's Coat and Badge Race 2004

Winner - Robert Dwan (Yellow Jersey) - Poplar & Blackwall Rowing Club.
2nd Mark Towens (White)
3rd Chris Manktelow (Red)
4th Jack Dean (Blue)

Robert Dwan joins his father, uncle and brother, as a Doggett's champion.

Twenty Doggett's Coat and Badge Race winners from 1868 to 1904.








Doggett's Coat and Badge Race winners (left to right are)  J. J. Turferry (1900), W. H. Campbell (1850), A. H. Brewer (1901).






State Opening of Parliament 1947

(left to righ)  Harry Hardee, King's Waterman; A.J. Turk, King's Bargemester; Harold C. Green, King's Waterman.

 Doggett Winner 2011  DCB_2011 Rowers      

Winner of the Doggett's Coat and Badge Race 1824

George Fogo

Christopher Anness
Winner of the Doggett's Coat and Badge Race

Rowers in the Doggett's Coat and Badge Race 2011

1st Christopher Anness London RC - Green Jersey
2nd Merlin Dwan London RC - Yellow
3rd Daniel Alloway Imperial College RC - Red
4th Stuart Coleman Poplar, Blackwall & District RC - Orange
5th Ben McCann Globe RC - Light Blue
6th Jack Clark Poplar, Blackwall & District RC - Dark Blue


Site update July 2011